Friday, March 20, 2020

Let's Imagineer 4: Monoraillercoaster!

Well, I'm beginning to regret my blog topic a little right now.

As some of you may have heard, pretty much every amusement and theme park on Earth right now is either closed because of COVID-19, or has delayed their opening because of it. This means that one could argue that...

Oh, Scott. You truly are the Woz!

But in any case, I have a duty to keep making posts, and thankfully, I still have some ideas in my head. Let's take a look at one right now!

The Company Nerds Won't Shut Up About
Image result for rocky mountain construction
Looking at this, you probably wouldn't even figure they make coasters.

Rocky Mountain Construction, or RMC, has made waves over the last decades for their work in the amusement industry, making extreme conversions to preexisting wooden coasters, or making their own steel-wood hybrid monstrosities. And they're talked about as much as that one weird friend you have that won't shut up about The Irishman.

But in recent years, they've come up with another, newer kind of coaster...

Image result for rocky mountain construction t rex
Look at this nonsense. You gotta love it.

The T-Rex is a model of steel coaster they've come up with that uses but a single rail, creating something that both looks incredibly refined, and is some of the most fun in the coaster world. As it's a recent development, only two have opened so far, and only two others are planned. But I can think of another place that may see a use for it...

If You Know Me, Then You Saw This Coming.
Image result for disney monorail

The Disney Parks- well, Anaheim, Florida, and Tokyo anyway- are famous for many things, but one of the things they're most famous for are the iconic monorails. They're sleek! They're colorful! The ones in Florida probably need a replacement or refurbishment because they've been in service too long! But in any case, they're pretty much synonymous with their resorts.

I'm sure you can put two and two together.

Coming I-Don't-Know-When...
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I'm having trouble figuring out where to put it, so for now, let's just say behind Test Track and Mission: SPACE.

Get ready to step into the future, as Disney's science division invites you, yes, YOU, for the ride of a lifetime! At EPCOT, be prepared for the future of passenger rail transportation as you board the Monoraillercoaster! Sponsored by Virgin Trains USA!

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It's not an EPCOT ride without a sponsorship.

As you go through the queue, you'll see the history and advancement of rail transportation, as well as the history of Disney's involvement with it. The company's top researchers have come up with an idea for a new monorail concept, one that's blazing fast and a ton of fun!

As you reach the station, you'll see the trains. While they're not enclosed, and only hold one person a row, they are undeniably Disney, taking influences from the best parts of their monorail designs.

Image result for disney monorail orange
I am no artist, and will not pretend to be one, so here's a picture from when Disneyland turned their monorails into Cars characters instead.

It's not long before your train takes off, and you reach a launch to give you a big boost of speed! Obviously, this coaster has to be indoors, and we lack the room for another really big building, so think of a similar set-up to Rock'n'Rollercoaster. But with more color! You'll zoom through simulated landscapes of Disney landmarks worldwide, twisting and inverting all the way! By the time you unload, you'll wish we all traveled like this.

Odds? Low. Potential? High.

With the current closures meaning they're losing money, as well as the IP focused direction they've been taking things recently, I know this is probably unlikely. But I think that they could do a lot with this concept, and I'm sure a lot of other people would want to see something like it.

But what do you think? Would this be a ride you'd love to see? Do you a think a Disney T-Rex should have a different theme? Feel free to comment, or talk to me at @Colonel_Colin on Twitter. Until next time, keep calling the big ones Bitey!

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