Friday, February 28, 2020

"Cool Runnings Man, Bobsled!"

Heads up: this ain't a normal segmented post. This is more me pondering on why we don't do more cool stuff.

There are a lot of different kinds of roller coasters in the world. Flying, suspended, hyper, giga, ones that go backwards, ones with brakemen, ones with a single rail...

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And, of course, whatever the Roller Ball is.

But there's one kind in particular that I haven't seen many of left. One that's captivated me both when I played Rollercoaster Tycoon, and when I watched the 2006 Winter Olympics: the Bobsled coaster.

Image result for bobsled coaster
See the car? The track? Yeah, the name is fitting.

Bobsled coasters are exactly what they sound like. They're a roller coaster that works like a bobsled. I don't know if it's just me, but ever since I was a child, these things have fascinated me. "What a wonderfully unique kind of experience," I would theoretically think. "I'm sure plenty of places would want to make something like this!".

There are eight left in the world.

Image result for bobsled coaster
And one's in Blackpool? Aw, that's the New Jersey of England!

There's four in the US, one in the UK, one in France, and two in Germany. All were built either by Mack Rides or Intamin, except for one at Knoebels in Pennsylvania, which was built in-house(the park itself made it).

Now you may be asking, "Colin, you king of men, why are there so few of these still around?". Yeah, that's what I want to know.

No, I'm serious. I have no idea. I haven't heard of any major accidents involving them. And yeah, I'm sure the Intamin ones have maintenance issues, but they were built by Intamin. I sort of expect that from them at this point.

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"We'll make you a masterpiece! One that keeps having accidents, but a masterpiece nonetheless!"

I'm also aware that, due to how they're constructed, they're not gonna break many records or drop many jaws. And I kinda get that, but goddammit, I like seeing more unique rides. That's one of the reasons why I love Whizzer at Six Flags Great America; it's difficult to find another coaster quite like it.

Image result for six flags whizzer
There's exactly one other coaster like this in the world, and I don't know if I'm going to Colombia anytime soon.

What about you? Do you think bobsled coasters are cool, and that more should be built? Why do you think there are so few nowadays? What kind of strange type of coaster do you want to see more of? Leave a comment here, or ask me at Until next time, keep battling against normalcy!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

My thoughts on Galaxy's Edge

How do I describe it. How do I say what hasn't already been said.

It's a mystery that eludes me.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge is a triumph. An experience. I've loved Disney World for a while already, but this? It was on a whole other level. The buildings. The rides. The merchandise. The libations.

I don't know when I'll be able to have another Spice Runner, but hopefully it won't be too long.

I've always believed that Disney are the best in the business when it comes to immersive theming, and I think this land proves me right. But while there's a lot to talk about, a lot of my observations have already been said by those that hold more clout than I do. So, I'll try and stay brief.

The Best Star Wars Thing to Come Out Last Year with "Rise" in the Title
Image result for rise of the resistance
I believe that kids these days would call this 'Neat-o'.

Rise of the Resistance may just be the greatest theme park ride ever built. This is the Sears Tower of rides. Everything used in it is so revolutionary, so new, so brilliantly executed that the only immediate flaw I can think of is how hard it is to get a boarding pass.

I don't want to spoil too much of what happens, because it's such an amazing experience, but my god. It's part walk-through, part simulator, part dark ride, part drop tower, part another simulator. It all works so well together to give you a beautiful, seamless experience that proves the beauty of themed entertainment.

"We're sooooaring, flyyyyyyying"
Image result for millennium falcon smugglers run
"Have you ever seen a grown man naked?"

Simulators, despite my best efforts (i.e. making them the subject of my first post), are still a popular type of attraction. Thankfully, Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run at least switches up the formula a bit. Now, you at least have some control of the events that happen. To pilot the most iconic spaceship in fiction is now finally a reality!

If you get assigned pilot.

I got assigned engineer. I pushed buttons, and couldn't look at the screen too much. Well, nothing's perfect.

The Greatest Expensive Souvenir You Can Get
My child...

I know Disney World is expensive, what with the tickets, and the airfare, and the accommodations, because you know you're going to stay on property, I mean yeah you don't have to, but renting a car is such a hassle, and you know the Ubers add up...

Where was I?

Oh, yeah.  So you may not want to spend too much on souvenirs, due to many of them being exorbitantly priced. Well, it may cost a hundred bucks, but being able to build your own droid is worth it. There's a decent number of customization options, the process is easy, and you get your own goddamn droid. Remote control, well-made, and adorable as fuck. If there's a time on your vacation to really waste money, this is it.

In Conclusion, I Vibe with this Place
Image result for star wars galaxy's edge
I didn't even talk about this bit!

I've gone to Disney World eight times so far, and they keep giving me more and more reasons to go back, and inevitably move there. The design put into Galaxy's Edge is some of the finest in the world, and even if you're not a Star Wars fan, I'd recommend a visit. And if you do, TAKE ME WITH YOU.

Questions? Comments? Weird cravings? Feel free to tell them at Until next time, keep blueing those milks!