Monday, December 23, 2019

Let's Imagineer 3: Steel Ball Ride

Before, we start, lets go over what was discussed at D23 and my predictions!

  • I got everything wrong.
Now, onto the idea!

Gonna take my horse to the Old Town Road
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Why? Why not!

I was captivated two years ago when S&S announced two years back that they wanted to revive the old Steeplechase coaster design. For those who don't know, it's a design from the early 1900's involving horse-shaped cars on single-rail track. Due to (probably) safety reasons, most of them are now gone, barring one at Blackpool Pleasure Beach.

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Blackpool: the Jersey shore of England!

A revival of this classic design got me pretty excited, but I've yet to see anyone say they're going to buy one. Which I feel is a shame, because I have a good idea of what it can be used for...

This is where it gets weird...
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Lookin' like a Versace cover over here.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is one of the most insane, darkest, and confusing franchises to come out of Japan. The franchise focuses on members of the Joestar family throughout the decades and an alternate universe. The fights are intense, a lot of dogs die, and everything is named after music. If you want a good summary of the franchise, watch this.

It's split into 8 parts, and given that the steeplechase coaster is mostly known for looking like horses racing, we'll use part 7: Steel Ball Run. It's a delightful story about Johnny Joestar, a crippled jockey in a horse race across the United States in the late 19th century who's told by the spirit of Jesus Christ to kill the president of the United States, Funny Valentine, who wants to use Jesus' corpse to make America the greatest country in the world. And no, I did not make a word of that up.

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Also, there's a guy who can turn into a dinosaur.

It's one of the most insane stories in fiction, and if there's a part that you could turn into a ride, it's this. Oh, yeah, before we start:


There, now we can get into it.

"Welcome to the Steel Ball Run!"
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Coming to Universal Studios Japan is a thrilling new ride based on one of the most beloved manga in history! Collect yourself, hop up on that horse, and hope to Pucci that you have a stand, because you're going to race in the Steel Ball Run!

Our ride is located in where else but the San Francisco section of the park. As you enter the queue, you are greeted with an animatronic Steven and Lucy Steel, who lay down what this race is and how you should be prepared. Rumor has it that President Funny Valentine will be watching, though he may have some ulterior motives...

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A lovely couple with a 37-year age difference!

You also learn about some of the racers and their backstories, like the tragic American Johnny Joestar, the cheerful yet ruthless Gyro Zeppeli, and the mysterious and threatening Diego Brando. Eventually, you meet your steed, climb aboard, and go to the starting line. As you reach the top of the first lift hill, the horses take off and the race is on!

Now, here's where it gets interesting; steeplechase coasters are known for multiple tracks. This coaster will have them, but they will split off to different show scenes, depending on your track; either Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, or Lucy Steel. I can't go into much detail about the scenes, but through projection and hologram technology, you'll be able to see their stands Tusk, Ballbreaker, and Ticket to Ride as they face off against foes like Ringo Roadagain and his stand Mandom, Diego Brando and his stand Scary Monsters, and eventually Funny Valentine himself and his stand Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.

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"Welcome to the true man's world."
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"Bloody country-fucks! I'll climb to the top of society!"
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Instead of a quote, I'll just show Mister President shotgunning a beer.

The ride itself may not be too intense, but the scenes you'll see will be, blending action, comedy, and drama all at once to create an experience the likes of which we've never seen before.

"Arigatou, Gyro..."

Now, I'm sure you're wondering: "Colin, you sexy scamp, isn't this a bit too dark for a theme par that primarily caters to families?". That's why I chose a park that once had a JJBA attraction, albeit a temporary one.

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Hey kids, ever want to see a knife get thrown through your neck in 3-D?

Will a steeplechase roller coaster based on Steel Ball Run ever happen? Probably not. But is it possible? You bet your ass. But what do you think? Give me your thoughts at my Twitter @Colonel_Colin. I'm always welcome to hear new ideas, so if there's anything you want me to talk about, feel free to ask! Until next time, here's a little suggestion on how to deal with the problems in your life.

Image result for steel ball run tell him

Thursday, July 25, 2019

God, why can't it just be annual...

People, we are steadily approaching a fantastic event that happens only once every two years: D23. Quite possibly the greatest of conventions, and this coming from someone who's been to World's Greatest Hobby On Tour! Yeah, it's that big. For me, at least.

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Finally, this will help give my life meaning!

Sadly, I will not be able to attend the festivities for a few reasons, one of the more prominent being school starting 3 weeks earlier now, because they want to leave their students with as little joy as possible. Still, it can be fun to speculate what they might show off and reveal at their 3 big presentations: Disney+, Film, and Theme Parks. With that being said, here's a list of what either I think will be shown off or what I hope to see the most. Let's get into it!

And before we start, some of you may say "Isn't Disney an evil corporation?". Well, so is every other corporation. Don't cherry-pick. This may be another post.

Finally, a preexisting company's streaming service I can get behind!

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Oh boy, how I love throwing money at them!

Anyway, Disney+ launches this November, letting me live out my dream of watching Stuck in the Suburbs whenever I want, a dream that I'm sure is shared by many others.

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This masterpiece makes Cinderella look like Monsters University.

I believe that most of the announcements at this panel will be about the new programming. We'll probably get trailers for a few of them, especially Lady and the Tramp and The Mandalorian. There are two projects, though, that I really want to see more about: the Imagineering documentary, and the Oswald the Lucky Rabbit series.

I've been obsessed with imagineering for at least a decade now, so a documentary or docuseries (they have not been clear on which it is) on the subject is something I've been craving for a while. You know what else I've been craving for a while? For Disney to do something with Oswald. And now they're doing that too, so I am very happy about this.

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"Aw, yeah! This is happening!"

"Popcorn? At the Cinema?"

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Now, for the one panel the general public actually cares about!

The Walt Disney Studios panel is probably the biggest of the show, covering the upcoming film releases from the various movie-making divisions of this giant company. It's also the one that I have the least to talk about. I predict trailers for Rise of Skywalker, Black Widow, Onward, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil and Frozen 2. But that's some of the more obvious stuff.

The stuff that's less likely, but still possible, includes a trailer for Soul. That was only announced recently, but the Onward trailer came out pretty early, so this isn't too far out. I could also definitely see them announcing a sequel to Zootopia, ever since Tony Lister mentioned working on one earlier this year, as shown here. I mean, it grossed over a billion dollars, and it's weird that they haven't really done much with it yet. Well, except in theme parks, soon, but that's not yet.

Now, this may be a bit of a stretch, but given the success of Mary Poppins Returns, there's a small chance that they may announce something that's hand-drawn. A lot of people have asked for that, and if there's a company that could make a high-grossing non-CGI animated movie in this day and age, it's Disney.

The location that's best at combating my depression!

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To quote Some Jerk with a Camera: "Theme parks, where you show your feet who's boss!".

And finally, we cover the panel I care the most about. There are plenty of exciting theme park developments coming, and they aren't replacing Country Bear Jamboree or Enchanted Tiki Room, so suck on that, Tom Corello!

(Note to my several readers: Don't use WDWNT. They suck.)

Disney has already announced that they will extensively cover the planned renovations and expansions to EPCOT, so that's probably the most anticipated part of the presentation. They'll also probably give some news about the upcoming Marvel land being built at Disney's California Adventure, as well as the Guardians of the Galaxy coaster also coming to EPCOT, as well as the Ratatouille ride. Info on Hollywood Studios would likely detail Rise of the Resistance, the Star Wars hotel, and Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway.

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Adding new stuff to your least-visited park? And yet it's been 6 years since Michigan's Adventure has gotten anything. Take notes, Cedar Fair!

For international parks, we'll probably get some news about the Walt Disney Studios Park expansion that was announced last D23, as well the expansion at Tokyo DisneySea that was announced then as well. I could also see them giving more details on the new land based on Zootopia being built for Shanghai Disneyland. There's also the three new ships for the Disney Cruise Line, the first of which is set to launch in 2021.

As for the stuff I want to see...

  1. A new monorail fleet, or at least a big refurbishment of the current fleet. There's been too many accidents with these recently, and I'd rather that their most iconic transportation method is of higher quality.
  2. A real-life Bob's Burgers. Yes, I've talked about this before, but it would just work so well! I don't know where to put it, but it should happen! Maybe DCA, I don't know.
  3. Electric cars for Autopia and Tomorrowland Speedway. Smelly gasoline ain't futuristic. Kinda ruins the aesthetic of the land.
  4. If the rumors about Aerosmith's contract not being renewed are true, than a retheme of Rock'n'Roller Coaster. Now I would love to see Weird Al in a Disney park ride, but Doggans made a good argument for a different idea here.
  5. More single rider lines. Disney needs way more of these. If there are attractions that they can make one for, then they should. C'mon, my local Six Flags has as many as the entirety of Disney World.
  6. New Journey into Imagination. I actually haven't been on any of the three incarnations, but there are people who have heavy feelings about this, so, why not.
  7. Announce a partnership with Brightline and build a train station at Disney World. Not too related to the parks, but we should support rail travel, especially with our administration trying to screw it over as best they can.
  8. Add another Zootopia land somewhere in Florida. Hey, I don't wanna have to go to a country with an even worse government than ours for this, alright?
  9. More ciders at dining locations. It's the type of booze I like the most, and I wish for there to be more options.
  10. A real-life Paddy's Pub. Okay, this is next to impossible, but fuck it, this would be awesome too! Plus, we already know the signature dish.
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"Goddamn it Frank. Eating your drinks? That's genius."

That's all I can think of for now. Anyway, what are you hoping they'll announce? What do you expect them to show off? Do you think my predictions have validity, or do you think they're bullshit? Let me know at @Colonel_Colin on Twitter. Until then, have fun waiting in agonizing anticipation!

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Let's Imagineer 2: Day at the Museum

Hello to all of you once again! It is I, Colin, come to regale you with another nutty idea stupid enough to make you scoff and say "That'll never work", but hopefully not stupid enough that you take such offense to it that you attempt to hunt me down and hurt me.

Don't ask me how I know that that can happen.

Anyway, I've decided to write about something that I've thought about for a good while. Disney's been around for a long while, so naturally, they have a lot of history. But the Walt Disney Family Museum doesn't have all the room in the world.

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Wait, why is it in San Francisco?

So, in order to thoughtfully preserve the histories of Disney and its many, many subsidiaries, I propose a new addition to the Florida property: an all-new museum about the history of Disney, past to present!

Where's this shit gonna go?

To quote Walter, Florida has a "blessing of size". So there's definitely no shortage of possible locations. My choice, though would have to be here:

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Wait, no, hang on:

Image result for disney world speedway
Fixed it!

Where the Walt Disney World Speedway, or the "Mickyard", once was, our museum shall now sit! The crowds aren't supposed to be too large, so hopefully the currently existing Ursula and Cruella parking lots will suffice for visitors. As for those that rode the Magical Express, direct shuttle services to the museum will depart from the resorts located around the Magic Kingdom. I haven't quite figured out how the other hotels will have quick access. In the meantime, they can use the Minnie-Van service, and a tram will connect it with the nearby Transportation and Ticket Center.

The Experience

I am no architect, so I have no idea what the building would look like. Just imagine it being cool and modern, with a hint of quirky to properly recreate that Disney magic. Buy your ticket and, if you want, head into a small theater for a brief reel showcasing what you're to expect from the museum, starring a certain beloved character...

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"Ah, Rosie, I love this boy!"

Insert JJBA meme here, I guess. The museum's mascot will be the company's original star, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Because if they're not going to use him, then I am.

The museum starts with the early days, showing Walt's childhood, the Alice comedies, and, obviously, Oswald. From there, it's just a case of artifacts from throughout Disney's storied history. Things like animation cels and movie props are pulled out of the Disney archive for the first time in decades to be put on display here. Costumes, sets, scripts, masks, everything that can be represented will be represented. Old ride vehicles from different attractions, from Peter Pan's Flight to Rocket Rods, will be available to see and maybe sit in. There's also a new version of the Animation Academy, functioning similar to as it did at Hollywood Studios. And, of course, the histories of subsidiaries like ABC, Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and 20th Century Fox will be showcased in detail as well.

But what will be especially notable is what will be moving to the museum...

Moving Day
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"It's not what Walt would've wanted!" He wanted a fucking city, but I don't hear anyone bring that up.

The old Progress City model is an impressive piece of history, and while it's a cool sight to see on the Peoplemover, it's a bit hard to fully appreciate it from there. The  model will be moved to the museum, with it's own lighting-controlled room to showcase it at day and night.

Speaking of history in Tomorrowland...

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"I hear that that Kevin Feige fellow is making some kind of shared universe of movies based on comic books! It'll never work."

Not too many people seem to ride Carousel of Progress anymore, but everyone will bitch and moan if it gets shut down. So why not move it here? They already moved it from Anaheim to Lake Buena Vista, I'm sure they can move it about a mile south of its current location.

Finally, we add two theaters. One has 3D (and some 4D) elements that'll show screen shows like Magic Journeys, Honey I Shrunk The Audience!, The Lottery, The Making of Me, Symbiosis, Circle of Life: An Environmental Fable, Sounds Dangerous! and, the big piece, MuppetVision 3D. Nobody wants to see it go, and this move is probably its best possible fate. There's also gonna be a Circle-Vision theater, for stuff like O' Canada! and The Timekeeper, because those should be represented too.

And the rest!

Obviously, the museum would also have some dining and shopping options too, because most museums have that these days, and one made by Disney is no exception.

Other than that, that's pretty much all I have at the moment for this idea. What are your thoughts? Is there anything you would add or take away? Feel free to let me know at @Colonel_Colin. I hope you enjoyed my idea and won't hunt me down. Until next time!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Let's Imagineer 1: Tiny Tunnel Trains!

Yeah, yeah, I know it's been a while, etcetera, etcetera, whatever. This time we're doing something different though; I'm going to design a new type of attraction by myself. So let's these creative juices a-flowing like beer at Oktoberfest!

A lot has happened since I last posted. I've been to Six Flags Great America, the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland, and Walt Disney World. And it's all been great. Remember the inverted hairpin coaster from Rollercoaster Tycoon? I went on that!

How much does it swing? However much you think it does, it's more than that.

One thing I've done that's really piqued my interest was the London Postal Museum. Trust me, it's cooler than it sounds. But one of the best parts of the museum is the Mail Rail. Years ago, London had a system of tiny trains that carried mail across the city. For the museum, a small section of the system was reopened, with trains built to carry people instead of mail. On your ride, they tell the story of the system using narrations and projections, showing you the importance of getting the mail from Point A to Point B.

It's fun! Unless you're claustrophobic. It gets tight. But otherwise, fun!

And this gave me an idea. The kind of idea that could make a lot of money, which is the best kind of idea! Simply put, we make one of those in Chicago. "But Colin, you sexy devil", you're definitely saying, "Chicago doesn't have a series of abandoned tunnels with narrow gauge track!". Well clearly YOU didn't get a B- in Chicago History!

It's the CTC, See?
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The Chicago Tunnel Company was an expansive narrow gauge railway running underneath the city of Chicago, carrying freight and goods between different businesses. It also carried coal, debris, and mail. Hell, it's what inspired London to build the Mail Rail in the first place!

It's fun! Unless you're claustropho- wait, I did this already...

Nowadays, some tunnels have filled with concrete, in order to prevent flooding. But I bet my minuscule credibility as a blogger of themed entertainment to say that some of those tunnels are still around. So, let's finally get to imagineering!

Coming soon to Chicago, Welcome to the new and improved Chicago Tunnel Experience!

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the heart of the greatest city on Earth! Our exact location? I don't know, some place not currently being used... how about that hole over there?

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Chicago In-Joke!

I present to you a tourist attraction so grand, so immersive, so fucking spectacular, that it'll make everything else you've done in your life pale in comparison! You'll enter into a small museum on the early days of the city of Chicago, mostly covering the 19th century. You'll then end up in a second section detailing the Chicago Tunnel Company, a wonderful little network of trains that ran about under the city.

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If vehicles were people, than this would definitely be a person. (Taken from

The central point of the exhibit is Number 508, the last remaining original engine from the line, discovered during excavations on Lake Shore Drive. It's on loan from the Illinois Railway Museum, which is conveniently located in the middle of nowhere- I mean, Union.

But for you visitors today, we have a special treat! We've managed to get access into these heavily-restricted tunnels to give you a tour of Chicago's history, through the power of TIME TRAVEL!

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Example of time travel, for those confused.

You and the other guests proceed to board a replica of the previously shown train, with specially built coaches to carry you. We roll off into to the tunnels, and flip that time switch!

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Welcome to the 1900's! Through projections on the tunnel walls, we show off the Chicago of the past. Streets are jammed with horse carriages and streetcars, businesses boom, and the buildings are getting taller and taller! It's a bit crowded, so let's jump ahead to...

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The 1920's! Buildings are taller still! The economy is great, and it's never going to fail! Jazz is on the rise, and Chicago is the epicenter of a bold, new genre of music! Automobiles are speeding down the street, moving pictures play for thousands, the Mob is running illegal booze, the mob sees us, the mob are aiming tommyguns at us, we better go, skip ahead further this time...

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It's the 1950's now. Things are heating up! Chicago is the largest railroad hub on Earth, highways have begun construction, and everybody's marrying each other! Rock music has started, and it's pretty good! Let's move a bit more forward...

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We're in the groovy 1960's, and few things are hipper than standing up for what you believe in. As The Beatles on the radio and Marina City stands tall, brave men and women protest the war and argue for peace. Ideas that shouldn't be controversial, but they were. Let's move on to...

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The 1980's! Mayor Harold Washington strives to improve the city and bring people back to live here. Technology is getting better and better, and the Sears Tower lords over as the tallest building on Earth! Where could we possibly go from here... I know! Let's just flip this time travel switch to MAX!

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Pretend this is future Chicago, not Cyberpunk 2077.

It's future Chicago! The El moves at 200 miles an hour! Deep Dish Pizza can be 3D-printed! The aldermen are robots! They're still corrupt, but they're robots! Life is truly amazing! But alas, we must return to the present. Our little time train putters back into the museum, where you can have a photo op and grab something from the gift shop. Remember to tell your friends to stop by the Chicago Tunnel Experience!

Back to normal talking now.

This attraction has the potential to bring in thousands upon thousands of people into the city, as a new must-do for visitors and residents alike. And there's plenty of other ideas on what could be done with it! "But the location-" The Spire isn't going to happen guys, sorry. I know, I'm disappointed too.

But what do you think? Tell me on Twitter at @Colonel_Colin. Until then, I'll see you all around. Oh, and this isn't the only idea I have to build; some involve theme parks more. So watch out for that! Goodbye!