Sunday, December 31, 2017

IAAPA pun!

School and general laziness have prevented me from updating this blog too much, but I think it's necessary for me to talk about IAAPA. For those of you who don't know, IAAPA stands for the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions. This marvelous expo shows off all kinds of new technologies, products, and innovations. It's like an NMRA convention! Y'know, the National Model Railroad Association? You've been there, right? No? Oh. Oh God, I'm so alone.
The Disneyland of trades shows. Partly because I'm pretty sure Disney's shopped around here.

Unfortunately, I was not able to attend, as I do not have the money (If you want to support me, leave $5,000 in an unmarked brown paper bag on the corner of Cicero and Rivercrest at 1:50 AM). Still, I'll try my best to cover some of the new releases unveiled at the show. Because who else will? Well, I mean besides better, more well-known, successful theme park blogs.

Insert "Ocean Man" Here

"That's your solution to everything: to build a ride that goes underwater. It's not gonna happen."
"Not with that attitude!"

Arguably the most unique concept showed off at IAAPA was the Aquaticar. This Jetsons-looking ass contraption is meant to be installed at water parks and resorts. With a blistering top speed of 2 miles per hour, this attraction will allow guests to travel underwater while keeping their heads dry, cuz' not everybody has the breathing skills of a freediver. Jokes aside, I think this is a capital idea, and it's nice to see a cool new idea in the amusement industry that doesn't involve screens.

Shut Up and Drive!
I can't think of a relevant off-roading quote, so... whatever.

Dynamic Attractions has proven to be quite the up and comer in the industry, doing stuff from the the KUKA arm vehicles for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey to the new trains for the Disneyland monorail. Now they've shown off a new off-roader ride technology that could turn out to be a real game-changer. This ride system is designed to work both indoors and outdoors, and while they're aren't any official installments just yet, they've teased a G.I. Joe ride that uses the technology. Hopefully it won't be based off the live-action films.

Now, I originally had a bit more to talk about, but I lost a lot of my progress, and I wanted one more thing out before the end of the year. If you want to hear more, feel free to ask my Twitter here. Thanks for reading, and have a happy new year!